Monday, November 3, 2008

Corruption in the philippines becoming a culture?

Nationalism can really be translated to "love for country" and we filipinos, if we are nationalistic, really should help our country and our community to become a better place and not just pocket our funds. But why is it that everywhere we look we only see corrupt officials, individuals and even our moms and dads who are businessman or part of the government, usually they are corrupt! is this becoming a culture to us filipinos? i hope not! so we should start now. inlfuence the next generation and who knows, with just a helping hand, we all can get away from this "CULTURE" Bye GMA! lets start at that! :D


Anonymous said...

Corruption should really be extinguished! life is getting hard! oust GMA!

Anonymous said...

corruption is really what slaps a country in the face! we should give it a big smack to get rid of it!

Anonymous said...

heres the thing men! power and money can really be addictive! we should control this addiction.

Anonymous said...

Corruption is part of life. Live with it.

Anonymous said...

I hate corruption, but its really tempting. What would you get from not being corrupt? Nothing because someone always benefits from your action so corrupt or not you help someone

Anonymous said...

People are corrupt in their own ways. How to stop everyone? its been part of people's daily life
What can we do about it?

Jilcae said...

actually, these things will stop if we the third generation or the children of our parents will stop these corrupt practices. if ever our parents are also corrupt then these will be stopped in the future generations if we teach our future children the proper attitude and actions.
"If you wanna make the world a better place take a look at your self and make a change." (Michael Jackson's Man In the Mirror, 1988)