Monday, November 3, 2008

Follow the Leader

It makes me wonder how we could establish in ourselves the Filipino Nationalism that we are supposed to have when the one leading our country is only following the demands of the other countries. I am not that against or pro administration but I just realized that there’s something wrong with how they run our country. Everything seems to be so dictated. It’s like they are just following orders from other countries and that’s how they run the country. Everything is like based from another and then we just copy what they do. I’m not really sure but that’s just how I see it. Using my own point of view, with these things happening, I guess that the one who should encourage us to instill that Filipino Nationalism in us, does not have one within them so how could they set a good example to their countrymen??


Anonymous said...

It is a good practice to follow other law countries since we had seen its effect to the people.
If it does not look good then we do not adopt.

Jilcae said...

well that's the problem regarding our government nowadys. it's because they need to make "pampalakas" to other countries because in this 21st century we are allied to other countries such as the States even though this means diminishing our sense of nationalism.

i understand what you mean but because of alliances and globalization, this would really happen. this is also the case in other countries as well.

Anonymous said...

yeah, pleasing the international community seems to be our governments priority